Thursday, May 26, 2016

Artist Statement

    My Artist Concentration was made in order to analyze how color changes the overall perception of the piece. In all my pieces, color was the most important element of my piece. I often painted the same scene with different colors, which were interpreted differently by all of my classmates. Some saw the lime green as "lush" or "like nature", while others thought about "poison" or "toxic gas". Through this project I was really able to realize the impact color has on your composition.


 Sophia Deras, Lush, 2016, mixed media.
 Sophia Deras, Dreams/candy, 2015, mixed media.
Sophia Deras, Lush/Poison, 2015, mixed media.
Sophia Deras, Cosmos/Traps, 2015, mixed media
Sophia Deras, Lush, 2016, watercolor with glaze.
Sophia Deras, Candy, 2016, water color with glaze.

a.) My concept for my Concentration pieces was color and how color effects people's perceptions of a piece.

b.)Theses pieces apply to my theme because they have two names, each based on the two most common things people thought of while viewing.

c.) I liked the glaze on the last two, the white accents on the first piece, and the colors in the Dreams/Candy piece.

d.) I would improve my line work in all the pieces, and my uniformity of my line art in he middle three pieces.


Sophia Deras, Canyons, 2016, acrylic paint.

a.) I learned that you should really wait for paint to dry before adding layers.

b.) I like the colors/undertones in the purple background canyons.

c.) I would take more time/make the front objects much more detailed if I had had the time.


Sophia Deras, PSA, 2016, Digital Art.

a.) I learned how add many images into one piece on Photoshop.

b.) I like the subject of this piece.

c.) I would make sure this image was much higher res if I could.

Principal of Design Cards (all)

Sophia Deras, Balance, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned how to blend my colored pencil better/more effectively.

b.)I liked the balance and symmetry of the piece, and also the colors and use of the drip colors in the skin.

c.)I would make my sketches of the hands less visible.

Sophia Deras, Scale, 2015, mixed media.

a.)I learned how to better draw hands along with objects being held.

b.) I like the concept the most, the hand holding the moon.

c.) I would add more glitter, more evenly distributed if I could.

Sophia Deras, Repetition, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned how to make a stencil to repeat shapes.

b.) I like how clean it is, but also how it variants.

c.) I would have made the background more interesting if I was able to remake this piece.

Sophia Deras, Movement, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned how to create a effective color scheme in this piece.

b.) I liked the waves the most out of this piece, especially how hectic they are.

c.) I would make sure to make my lines cleaner on this piece if I was able to redo it.

Sophia Deras, Sweet Harmony, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned how to hands in motion

b.) I loved everything about this piece, and I have a sketch for a big canvas version of this.

c.) I would do something different with the very top of the piano, I think that it looks weird.

Sophia Deras, Smooth Sunrise, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned how to blend color in this piece.

b.) I like the greenish blue sunrise, with the very smooth colors.

c.) I would it a little bit clean if I could.

Sophia Deras, Yin Yang, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned about free hand curve making.

b.) I like the yin yang.

c.) I would make the drip not fall off the page.

Sophia Deras, Cover Design, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I learned how balance many many different objects in one piece.

b.) I liked hands at the bottom.

c.) I would make the hands more even.

Elements of Art Cards (all)

Sophia Deras, Line, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I liked the face, it was drawn in a style i don't usually ever use. It was a good challenge.

b.)I learned the practical uses of hatching and cross hatching during this process.

c.)I would make the execution of the piece cleaner if I could.

Sophia Deras, Form, 2015, mixed media.

a.) I blended with watercolor for the first time here, and was able to get much better (slowly).

b.) I liked the combination of colors present inside of the ballerina figure.

c.)I would make the of kilter shading in the background smoother, and extend out further.

Sophia Deras, Shape, 2015, Pen.

a.) I learned the shapes that make up the human hand, often used to easily draw gesture drawings.

b.) I liked the weird, non-symmetrical style.

c.)I would fix the thumb on the hand in the middle if I could. It has a bad case of Hitchhiker's thumb.

Sophia Deras, Space, 2015, Pen.

a.) In this piece i got lots more practice on how to draw hands correctly.

b.) I likes the cross hatching style.

c.) I would make the hands smaller and more viable if I could.

Sophia Deras, Texture, 2015, Mixed Media.

a.) I learned how to make good splatters with watercolor paint.

b.) I liked the entire composition as a whole, and without one of the many piece it doesn't as good.

c.)I'm not sure what I would really change, but it would probably be to add more variants of color into the skin color.

Sophia Deras, Good Year, 2016, Mixed Media

a.) I learn a few valuable photography editing techniques during this project, which helped me a lot on future projects too. 

b.) I really love the colors in this piece, because they are unique, and the photo was s once in a life time opportunity. 

c.) if I could change something, I would make the buildings much higher, like the judge at VASE recommended, to draw the eye up into the clouds more.